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Sally Graham's inspiring story is one that you will want to share with friends. Her interview has been one of our most downloaded programs and her book "As Black from White" fills in all the details. God answered her irreverent prayer as she was about to kill her husband and her story shows how God meets us wherever we are at - no matter how low we have sunk or hopeless our situation might seem. Sally shares her amazing journey and people in similar desperate situations can easily relate. Overall, it is a message of hope that God can truly bring “...beauty from ashes.” Eric Skattebo Host of “Marriage & FamilyLife” sally grahams book "as Black from White" available online. Check out my web page for more

Saturday, April 23, 2011

mother daughter

Mother Daughter.
A picture tells a thousand words

Having spent the first 30 years of my life running it all into the ground, with drugs and alcohol ...it continues to amaze me, the depth of restoritive work that God has done. People often ask about my children, how are they , how have they coped with their upbringing? A picture tells a thousand words!

As the daughter of a criminal ,my daughter is seven times more likely than others to go to prison herself. As the daughter of a drug addict , having been raised in such a dreadful environment , my daughter has every right to be bitter and resentful. When her father died of the complications of years of drug taking , she and her 3 brothers might well have rebelled against their mother , felt hard-done by and angry at me, at the world and at God. Perhaps they would inturn seek to numb their pain with drugs and alcohol like their parents had modeled for so many years.

A picture tells a thousand words.
Here is the miracle ! A young woman living healed and free, a teenager willing to stand beside her mother in the grace of God.

This mothers day, perhaps we can all grow a little more in love , step in a miracle and LOVE. Mums love our daughters and dare to believe they are more than "just teenagers" when we give them the opportunity and humble ourselves. Daughters forgive and live in the freedom that Jesus bought for us all on the cross.

Thank you to all my beautiful kids who dared to believe God is bigger than our childhoods