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Sally Graham's inspiring story is one that you will want to share with friends. Her interview has been one of our most downloaded programs and her book "As Black from White" fills in all the details. God answered her irreverent prayer as she was about to kill her husband and her story shows how God meets us wherever we are at - no matter how low we have sunk or hopeless our situation might seem. Sally shares her amazing journey and people in similar desperate situations can easily relate. Overall, it is a message of hope that God can truly bring “...beauty from ashes.” Eric Skattebo Host of “Marriage & FamilyLife” sally grahams book "as Black from White" available online. Check out my web page for more

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

recovery starts today

where ever you find yourself TODAY is a new day. Today is a great day to start your recovery wellness journey. I have been clean and sober for over 25 years having spent 15 years as a n alcoholic drinking a flagon of port a day and a daily heroin user. I spent time in jail for possession and sale of drugs and now have a degree in counselling and a charity focused on sharing the message of hope and recovery for others. Nothing is Impossible. God does not have a "too hard" basket